645AR - 4 DA TRAP but its not squeaky ATTENTION : this isnt me trying to be good lmao its all for memes stoopid If you wanna listen to my actual music here are some links: https://youtu.be/4l43IP5ATeI https://youtu.be/jclYeteSUUE 4 da trap but i tried to rap with the same flow and shit to record it how it would have sounded if it was squeaky
i like it with the squeaky more now
Thank u now I understand what that squeaky floor in my house was telling me
This is actually better
My new fav song????
+respect bro+
This song is lowkey better without the squeaking
Song always been ass.but thanks for this bruh❤
Both versions are amazing.
Hell nah ????
Actually a legit rap w out autotune????????
It sounds like a whole different song
This sound hella better
This song is actually decent if he wasn’t squeaking ????
All 645ar had to do was remove the squeaky, and it would’ve been decent like this. Probably wouldn’t have gone viral though.
This is a crime.
Its like playing Ice Cube but it isnt Gangsta Rap
Shiiii-This fire without the squeaky autotune
This is actually lit ngl
This hit different than the original????????
It’s fire rho
Would sound better with autotune
If the vocals had some sauce on it (no damn squeak) this would go even harder
I swr this sounds way better
"made a check off a voice for my buddies in da trap"
It still trash
This one is better than the original
this is actually sick without squeaky sh*t
This Is Wayyyy Better Than The Real Song????????????
He should just use his normal voice
This do be hitting different ????????
coulda been a decent song if it wasnt for that insect voice box of his
Yay I got him 68000 views
Know that I think of it put the squeaky voice back on plz
This is better
Im thankful for the squeaky, because the lyrics are trash. Good job rapping on the beat though.
Just so you guys know this isn’t him check the description
squeaky or not, the lyrics is still trash. lol.
This is more cringey than the real song
Before y’all get to hatin lol it’s just a joke lmao. But check my actual music.
When he stops smoking his voice sounds better
I love this so much better
The manga was better
Wow he actually spoke real words????
That’s not him but those his lyrics no
not bad
What is this inaudible garbage
When you forget the autotune 0:13