The brother Bandman Kevo has been dropping a considerable amount of videos bringing, in my eyes at least, REAL value! Instead of pushing the BS that half the artists are pushing these days, he coming with the jewels to obtain the one thing most of us crave and desire.. SUCCESS!!!
Success is NEVER by mistake, and its definitely not the Illuminati. Remember what Tupac said? He said that Illuminati stuff is Crap, just another way to put blocks in your mind to obtain the things that you really want.
Success is obtained by a series of calculated steps and sciences, that starts with our thinking! What are the thoughts on your mind daily? Are you thinking about the things you want? Or are you thinking about the things you dont want? Are you a worrier or a WARRIOR?
Bandman Kevo goes into some of these sciences in his videos, so that’s why we are sharing.
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