Jacquees keep doing your thang because I will be your peace u just so special to me Jacquees because u make my heart beat Jacquees I couldn’t ask for more Jacquees u always will be my baby and u is everything to me lord know I will do anything in the world for u Jacquees because u worth it and u deserve it Jacquees and u also deserve my love and my time Jacquees love u 4 life my king ❤️????❤️
mMAGNACOM: The Revolutionary new magnetic motion sensor communications system, for folks who are too lazy to even open their gobs to tell Alexa which song they wish to hear next. A song that was probably made by a bunch of button pushing tone deaf idiots. Who then get youtube to doctor all their viewing figures up to trick simpletons into thinking popular equals good. Perfect combination then. Brainwashed talentless fuds making music for people in denial. What a contrary pile of shambolic nonsense. I’ve just listened to a noise on YouTube with 43,000,000 views. Whatever it was that it was supposed to be wouldn’t have gotten on one of my out take bin cd compilations. Is this what the future will be like? The stinkship (is that what that is? I thought you let one go)…industry for folks who couldn’t be bothered learning how to play a instrument, swishing their hands about, so that a jesture motion detector brain scanner magnetic impulse reader, for all those useless duffers, who still think autotune electronic techno guff will ever beat someone who can play an actual musical instrument such as guitar bass drum. Its the era of the deaf dumb and blind, leading the deaf dumb and blind. Now i know why I wanted to make my own music, more than anything else….
Quick reminder that God will never put weight on your shoulders that He knows you can’t handle. Whatever your going through just be patient and see why God made you wait. It may be hard but it’s all worth it ????
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You guys are freaking me out
La mejor canción de jacquees
Come on throughhhhhhhhh with the vocals Quee!!!!!
Here for lil baby
If u have lession to half his muisc u missing out and come out cd in Michigan we need the positive in Michigan
2021 and this song still rides????
DAMN! ❤???????????? Finest asset song out there!
Let’s! !! Go! !! Ezyyyyyyyy! !! Shitttttttt ????.???? ????????????????????????
Lil baby’s adlibs giving this an old school vibe and I love it
Saudades dos baile black 2021
This song was supposed to be bigger than it was ????
Let’s go slow and see where it goes come over
Steve will do it ????.????
He look like offset or takeoff offset nah
Love ❤️
Hi I love this song
The song that got me to start listening to Lil Baby
He bodied
Jacquees keep doing your thang because I will be your peace u just so special to me Jacquees because u make my heart beat Jacquees I couldn’t ask for more Jacquees u always will be my baby and u is everything to me lord know I will do anything in the world for u Jacquees because u worth it and u deserve it Jacquees and u also deserve my love and my time Jacquees love u 4 life my king ❤️????❤️
1:47 Her ig???
All I can say Jacques 24/7 can roll it at 3am for real!!!
Eternal Piece with The Holy Ghost. 2021
Love this in mich ❤️ so hot but he real for real 2021 this be down the line to lession to
King of R&B!
Why jaques like quavo doe
Te amo preto ????♥️ sou sua fã daqui do ????????????????
Are you coming over
i swear this song used to be on repeat all the time
mMAGNACOM: The Revolutionary new magnetic motion sensor communications system, for folks who are too lazy to even open their gobs to tell Alexa which song they wish to hear next. A song that was probably made by a bunch of button pushing tone deaf idiots. Who then get youtube to doctor all their viewing figures up to trick simpletons into thinking popular equals good. Perfect combination then. Brainwashed talentless fuds making music for people in denial. What a contrary pile of shambolic nonsense. I’ve just listened to a noise on YouTube with 43,000,000 views. Whatever it was that it was supposed to be wouldn’t have gotten on one of my out take bin cd compilations. Is this what the future will be like? The stinkship (is that what that is? I thought you let one go)…industry for folks who couldn’t be bothered learning how to play a instrument, swishing their hands about, so that a jesture motion detector brain scanner magnetic impulse reader, for all those useless duffers, who still think autotune electronic techno guff will ever beat someone who can play an actual musical instrument such as guitar bass drum. Its the era of the deaf dumb and blind, leading the deaf dumb and blind. Now i know why I wanted to make my own music, more than anything else….
I LOVE this song
This is fuego ????????????
Can; I get some peace? can we be one aonther peace!!!
Jacquees’ music is the only artist I like rn
Feeling this song soooo much rn ????????
2021 who’s with me?
“why you can’t sit back and be my peace” ????
I don’t have any keys to the place
1:19 ????
2021 ??
Quick reminder that God will never put weight on your shoulders that He knows you can’t handle. Whatever your going through just be patient and see why God made you wait. It may be hard but it’s all worth it ????
A FAV STILL KNOCKIN IN 2021❤????????
My favourite song❤????
Wont you be my peace ????????????