Past times always seem to have been so much better bro if yall keep up with that mindset thinking of the past yall gone run into problems cause how can u look forward if u keep looking back, check yall selves bro ong
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Miss these days a lot
life was better then…
Life was easier when this song came out
song at 0:00 ?
When can life be the same
Takeoff a skinny version of zias
Yessssiiiirrrrr coming back no cap
1:00 that was perfect laugh
He got the beat
Zia’s high asf????????
React to These Walls Kendrick Lamar
Rubi rose ???? in dat bih ????????
Something about these videos from 2016-2018 was golden ????????
Can we get a baby pluto or eternal atake reaction…. ????????
We need a version w takeoff on it
In the rib
damn 5 years
miss it sm bro
now I realise he called rubi rose bad
I wanna go back so bad
I am disappointed because i am from non english speaking country and I cant understand most of the jokes my english is too poor :((((
bak stil fyee
Still fire
I got the same picture of Ali
Little did they know this would be the song of an era
Rewatching these videos they funny af ????????throwbacks all day these videos are still legendary
damn this like 6 years old already… time flies
Bro B Lou hyped for takeoffs verse only for him to not be on the song ????????
The days before tiktok… If tiktok was like it is now back then this song would’ve been destroyed but tiktokers and shit
Who peeped rubi rose ????
the muncheeeeese got youu
Travis Scott he was in there dancing????
Let’s not forget quavo had us sayin “that way” and Uzi had us sayin “ya ya ya ya ya ya” all year ????????????
I just noticed rubi rose in this video
this throwback makes me feel even older
????crazy how time flies
Past times always seem to have been so much better bro if yall keep up with that mindset thinking of the past yall gone run into problems cause how can u look forward if u keep looking back, check yall selves bro ong
2:55 yoo the tv damn
0:53 rubi rose? and at 5:09 b lou said she bad????????????????
This nigga said offset lyrical
Bro I’ve never liked this song, it’s catchy. But I find it annoying after the first min
the bad boys in the background tho
Bring me back to 2016 ????
mor di e fette feit
dat shit don’t even matter ????????????
Little did we know the influence this would have on the game????
0:01 what is that song?