Part 7:
Part 1:
In this clip, Mob James reacted to Leon’s story about sitting next to 2Pac at the Mike Tyson fight the night of Pac’s murder. Mob James explained why he believed the aggressiveness and rambunctiousness Pac displayed that night led to the shooting. Mob James said 2Pac didn’t know how to stay in his lane as the money-making entertainer and Suge Knight mishandled the situation entirely by allowing the golden goose to run amuck.
I think that james jealous ass nigga at 2Pac and suge knight always he said bad things about 2Pac, all the world knows that 2Pac and suge was very strongest men in 1996 Moeny and power and respect, but no body can stop death
Pac was riding for Death Row the same way Tha Row rode for him when they got him out of jail. Dunno what is so hard to understand. He explains everything in "Never had a friend like me". Some of you people have no scruples. Plus Pac secured his Legend that night.
Subscribe too my Channel ????????♂️ no begging type shit, I’m talented no matter what, just wanna keep gaining genuine following.. fuck fake subscribers & likes ✊????
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Vlad you don’t have anything else to ask the homie? Last year you asked him all these same questions man ????????????????
Mobb James hates PAC we get it mane
You’ve exhausted this topic
Vlad’s perfect interview would be a guy who was friends with Pac and Nas.
He’s DRAGGING these Tupac interviews even Mobb James is annoyed
"Never had a friend like me"
Next interview vlad is gonna dig up orlando up and interview that niggas spirit
Pac was always wild
Vlad find new content to discuss! This is old!
Talk about squeezing water from a rock ????
Same interview and I still watch the shit. Addicted ????♂️
Glad must be paying MOB James hella to answer these same damn questions
Get some new material mate
I don’t think mob fucked with you Pac ????
Vlad you need to chill out on this pac shit we heard this story a thousand times
Why did I click on this????????♂️, pac again
Similar situation with King Von ???? RIP
Lmao who doesn’t do that at live fights!? ????
the cops assassinated 2pac you idiots
These double YouTube adds tho
Okay.. So its official.. Glad has a "Pac Fetish"
Mob James did not fuck with PAC. The end. Vlad please move on????
I like hearing the story from different perspective but this the 4th or 5th time he asked the same guest the same question
Where’s crunchy
Notice how vlad purposely lied and misquoted leons description of how tupac was that night ????.
I think that james jealous ass nigga at 2Pac and suge knight always he said bad things about 2Pac, all the world knows that 2Pac and suge was very strongest men in 1996 Moeny and power and respect, but no body can stop death
R.I.P. Tupac Shakur
He said this in the first interview Glad
The only reason why Vlad interviews Mob James is to gossip about 2Pac
He said that already in the last 2 interviews lol
Vlad is in love with another man
This is starting to get real weird
Mob James still mad Pac never mentioned him in "2 Live and Die in LA"
How many times you gonna talk about this ????????♂️????????????
Pac in 2020 still sells.. but pac seemed to be if u ride for me I will ride for u..pac was loyal until ur not..million interviews relayed this
Glad you don’t know shit
Man how many times you gonna bring up 2pac glad…
Pac was riding for Death Row the same way Tha Row rode for him when they got him out of jail. Dunno what is so hard to understand. He explains everything in "Never had a friend like me". Some of you people have no scruples. Plus Pac secured his Legend that night.
Y’all let him get killed
Vlad this Tupac shit gettin old
Damn Vlad you might as well make a second channel dedicated to Tupac. I mean we all love Tupac but every interview?????
Subscribe too my Channel ????????♂️ no begging type shit, I’m talented no matter what, just wanna keep gaining genuine following.. fuck fake subscribers & likes ✊????
Different interview, Same topic lol
James is right. Pac and suge should be on top of the world today instead of dead and in prison. So much wasted potential.
Common denominator of every Vlad Mob james interview = Tupac Orlando Anderson
same thing with king von. he should of never got into a fist fight with rondo
Fuck mob james for dissing pac like that he needs to get whats coming to him already
VLAD is obsessed with pac’s murder… shit is weird
Get over it. Why didn’t you step up and beat the dog shit outta ole boy.