but seriously I think it was bone thugs who brought this style up first, only to have it revived and popularized by ASAP Mob raider klan and mainstream hip hop artists like migos and future. It’s actually pretty hard to do
Lmao wasnt everyone copying everyones style in the 90s yall are fucking wack uneducated fools. Future recording process is legendary all he does is freestyle then lays out his songs no artist be doing that like him. Second Migos are Natuarlly in sync with one another and say some cold shit they also pretty much just freestyle. For those of you saying it all sounds the same are ignorant future n migos sound nothing alike niether does peewee longway or gucci mane for that matter. Yall are some serious frauds if you dont like music cool but give them credit for what they do i personally think offset from migos on his own is probably 10times more "lyrical" than Snoop dogg is now lmfao haters.
lmao look at all those butthurt fanboys up here. Ya’ll don’t even know what humor is. By the way, Snoop is right. Everyone is copying everyone’s style. There aren’t that many artists around who have their own sound and style.
Snoop isn’t hating, He said that he loves those guys, it’s just in his day if you sounding like someone you would pay tribute to the rapper whose style you were sounding like. Where today, no one cares. It’s his wise perspective.
This song is good! Hear the Single from the hottest rap group out of Chicago! FWYB – Chimaican Hippie Crew Shot by @GINOMAJOR Feel free to comment, rate and subscribe!
Finally at least someone agrees with me you see I agree with Snoop Dogg. I’ve been telling everybody that but everybody did not believe me take the early 2000 music for example they actually raps in their songs but now right now everybody be singing. and now all the good rappers are gone r.i.p RNB music 1987-2014
I’m glad someone with some credibility said it cause that shit is so wack, only thing Future have is beats i don’t even listen to what he’s saying, music these days all u need is a beat & stupid dance and or hook & you’ve got a hit smh
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but seriously I think it was bone thugs who brought this style up first, only to have it revived and popularized by ASAP Mob raider klan and mainstream hip hop artists like migos and future. It’s actually pretty hard to do
i came here to laugh lmfaoo
Snoop is so old
He is the past
Lmao wasnt everyone copying everyones style in the 90s yall are fucking wack uneducated fools. Future recording process is legendary all he does is freestyle then lays out his songs no artist be doing that like him. Second Migos are Natuarlly in sync with one another and say some cold shit they also pretty much just freestyle. For those of you saying it all sounds the same are ignorant future n migos sound nothing alike niether does peewee longway or gucci mane for that matter. Yall are some serious frauds if you dont like music cool but give them credit for what they do i personally think offset from migos on his own is probably 10times more "lyrical" than Snoop dogg is now lmfao haters.
Three 6 Mafia and Bone Thugs started that flow.
Snoop is an OG why do you think noone says anything about him? Because they cant diss OGs
The truth from a legends perspective. When these new rappers move a crowd of 250,000 then we will see why he can say that.
This dude been making corny songs
and been POP snoop music is for the white audience
Nice video !
Check out my remix of this Snoop Dogg’s statement:
So true
Hahaha that migos shit is not catchy fuckin snoop dogg im with you player
There’s a song made from Snoop’s joke, dunno what it’s called though
BIG LIKE …Get your own style rapers …Big snoop said it they all sound the same and that flow became boring !!!
three 6 mafia and bone straight up.
lmao look at all those butthurt fanboys up here. Ya’ll don’t even know what humor is. By the way, Snoop is right. Everyone is copying everyone’s style. There aren’t that many artists around who have their own sound and style.
Snoop a dumb ass. Migos rap style is nothing but early memphis rap that bone even copied. People including Snoop be an historian of ur profession.
Snoop isn’t hating, He said that he loves those guys, it’s just in his day if you sounding like someone you would pay tribute to the rapper whose style you were sounding like. Where today, no one cares. It’s his wise perspective.
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Entendi porra nenhuma. mas foi engraçado ! hahahahahaha
Migos aint shit yall stupid af west coast shit
snoop…. savage
These niggas mad cause they old and cant rap like migos or future or be nearly as relevant….sour ass haters
This song is good! Hear the Single from the hottest rap group out of Chicago! FWYB – Chimaican Hippie Crew Shot by @GINOMAJOR Feel free to comment, rate and subscribe!
but his bitch ass was dancing at the bet awards when they hit the stage tho lame ass nigga
Finally at least someone agrees with me you see I agree with Snoop Dogg. I’ve been telling everybody that but everybody did not believe me take the early 2000 music for example they actually raps in their songs but now right now everybody be singing. and now all the good rappers are gone r.i.p RNB music 1987-2014
I’m glad someone with some credibility said it cause that shit is so wack, only thing Future have is beats i don’t even listen to what he’s saying, music these days all u need is a beat & stupid dance and or hook & you’ve got a hit smh
Lol he’s right though!!! ????????
trap shit
Snoop just mad he old and could never rap his lyrics has always been abc and eazy e crushed that nigga a long time ago
thier flow sick shut up weed man