TI and Hustle Gang interview with DJ Scream on Hoodrich Radio! TI discusses GDOD Mixtape, Censorship, NBA Playoff Predictions, Jason Collins … And …Possibly adding Yo Gotti, Problem, Kirko Bangz and Jeremiah to Hustle Gang??? Watch Now!!! @hoodrichradio
I miss talking to u fucked my whole head and heart up when I tried to call my Romeo and his phone stopped taking calls but it’s all good I still love you boo number still the same 551
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Salute #DoeB #334 #HUSTLEGANG shit!
Doe b dat nigga
i just love T.I he so awesome
i got so much love for ti. the new hustle gang tape is scoring really nice. i wish them mass sucess and what not.
BUT I NEED SOME NEW SOLO TI SHIT. Thats what im hungry for. I fuck with doe b, dro, bob ect. but just sayin.. i need SOLO TIP shit..
Doe B put Montogmery Alabama on the map
@Young Mushu check Lil Duvy
check me out our page
Hustle gang bkitch
OMG ur right the song is the best! Also! peeps use this to get the mp3 of this song >> bit.ly/18AgGSU?=vhbmc
you can’t analyse n stabilise the whole clip in final cut. hand held will suffice
this is basically a big ass hint for all you up coming producers to get to work
TF was here
haha what you drinkin tip?
I miss talking to u fucked my whole head and heart up when I tried to call my Romeo and his phone stopped taking calls but it’s all good I still love you boo number still the same 551
Solid roster ! Plus a couple of big names about to be added to the squad… Hustle Gang is about to take over the Streets.
Tip is a boss cuz he’s intelligent and knows his shit
Kirkoo needs to gett signedd thoo hustlegang
ti should have signed travis porter along long time ago
gotti and tip?! holy fuck. thats hot shit. like a ti solo tape, a gotti solo tape. then the collab ti+gotti tape = money!!!!
hustle gang turn up!
Hustle Gang need Duval,Florida artsit Young Mushu
Im bout that money, so i’m down wit dem.
ti got a lil team i guess we’ll see where they take him. and that mixtape aint classic material its only a couple bangers on there maybe three or four
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Naw he mature he just be foolin around lol