TY 2000 McDonald's Teenie Beanie Babies (Complete Set of 18) Values & Review –

TY 2000 McDonald's Teenie Beanie Babies (Complete Set of 18) Values & Review –

Silent video review for the 2000 McDonalds TY Teenie Beanie Baby toys collection. This is the complete set of 18 Teenies still sealed in the plastic bags. These were released in 2000 through McDonald’s restaurants in happy meals. Each contains the standard TY heart hang tag & tush tag. The size is approximately 3 inches.
Prices have been going up as these get harder to find. The value info is based on our experience buying and selling this item. If there are significant changes in value after the year posted we will update the new value in the comments and pin it to the top. Current stock for sale can be found here:

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The Teenies in this video include:
– Lips the fish
– Slither the Snake
– Flip the Cat
– Dotty the Dalmatian Dog
– Lucky the Ladybug
– Bumble the Bee
– Spinner the Spider
– Flitter the Butterfly
– Tusk the Walrus
– Blizzard the White Tiger
– Spike the Rhino
– Schweetheart the Monkey
– Neon the Seahorse
– Coral the Ty-dyed Fish
– Sting the Stingray
– Goochy the Jellyfish
– Springy the Bunny
– Bushy the Lion

Collect all of the TY merchandise!

To use footage from our video please contact us via our website or any social media platform.

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