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I’ll give her the bathroom thing. You should have two bathrooms one for the females one for the males don’t nobody want to walk in there and see that damn toilet seat up looking all nasty inside the toilet.
Sorry I am going with Chyna on this one. Why did she accept this interview so beneath her…sorry I mean I like Jumper and all. I would’ve done the same thing
I was expecting the restroom to actually be as disgusting as blac chyna made it out to be but no that restroom is probably even cleaner than blac chyna’s own bathroom fuck her
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Adam is cool but he should have kept his shop in DTLA.
I’ll give her the bathroom thing. You should have two bathrooms one for the females one for the males don’t nobody want to walk in there and see that damn toilet seat up looking all nasty inside the toilet.
I could feel the tension through the internet… lol
Broooo you have a full trash can and no hand towel
How much click bait you gunna get off using her name for the multiple videos you’ve already had regarding this?…….
This man was so hyped giving out that Kendama lmaoooooo
The China toilet was black
You wasted ur time
Just bought a freeze pipe, nice ad boys
Wtf is she talking about the bathroom being dirty after the way her n Rob K. lived
Much dank is goated ????
*thumbnail* ????????????????????
Im fw the behind the scene vibe
Were is the full interview
listening to this kid describe the glass was the cringiest shit lmao, dhgate ass lookin bongs lol
I wish my toilet looked liked that geez – my dump is a dump dude.
Big Shout out to our friends over at Freeze Pipe. Use the discount code NOJUMPER for 10% off your entire order
Adamn. Clean yo shit when u have someone over peroid essay
Adam you a jerk ass dude you to old to be acting like dat pussy
Can’t wait for Lena to have the baby!!! ♥️
How you just gone copy polo?
Adam is fuckingn foiiiineeee
Nah Adam your vibe is kinda weird lately.. I’m not sure it was just the questions
Shes so fucking wack and awkward in this interview. I couldn’t even watch it i had to skip to where she walked out lol. Wack as fuck
Adam you have a face structure of Abraham Lincoln ????????????
Lmfao u wrong fa dat title ????????????
Na, yea she buggin
Sorry I am going with Chyna on this one. Why did she accept this interview so beneath her…sorry I mean I like Jumper and all. I would’ve done the same thing
Fake ass porn star ass paid for his own dick ass pussy. Hahahah sorry Adam you a joke.
I totally expected the bathroom to look like shit but it wasnt at allll.. I mean it wasnt nothing fancy but it will get the job done.????????
No Jumper Studios Fire thou ????????????????
Yall need a better glass sellsmen
She look to fake for me to much plastic she dont got no talent but getting trains ran on her and sleeping around so why she mad its facts
She’s a fucking weirdo
This girl is dumb as fuck get her off the show
Who else thought they sold sum on offer up ????
Lmao she got no personality she’s whack
Imagine thinking your career is bigger than you being an industry ho…
This girl actually got a baphomet tattoo on her body ???? ????
the cult tee tho FUEGO!
That interview with Chyna got more views than most no jumper interviews tbh
If anything she’s the weird 1????
Nah she dragged it what she expect???? word
Why is Sada wearing some underwear on his head ??? Is he planning on robbing women. Chyna interview should of been live
She’s a dumb broad
I mean Adam is kind of disgusting haha but it ain’t like she required to touch him or use the bathroom. what a waste of interview
She was tryna talk about the reputation she’s tryin to make now not the reputation she’s had ????????????????????????
You should have fans on your show like once a month or something, to go over what they like about the past months interviews ♥️.
I was expecting the restroom to actually be as disgusting as blac chyna made it out to be but no that restroom is probably even cleaner than blac chyna’s own bathroom fuck her