Part 14:
Part 12:
Part 1:
In this clip, Boosie speaks about being in his wheelchair and wanting to be out walking. He explained that the electric wheelchair is better than the manual one that he left the hospital with, but Boosie is still looking at more than a month before he’ll be walking again. He explained that he lost weight since being shot, and his doctor said that he’d be bowlegged if he tried walking now. To hear more, including how his show prices went up by $10,000, hit the above clip.
I felt every piece of this…I didn’t walk for 6 mths after being shot. My limp now is serious, and cold. It’s Life. Boosie gon be walkin soon, regardless
He will be back I been in that situation and still is your body have nerves and if that bullet hit a wrong nerve its hard to recover it been 5yrs for me and im not healing but im walking with a cane
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I’m back I’m fuckin too lol
I’ll be a bowlegged mf if I do it more????????????prayers bro
I’m Fuckin ????
Vlad so lame,comparing his finger being broke to boosie being shot..I only come for BOOSIE
Mann I love Boosie ????
S/O all my BoLeg people
In two shows this guy makes more than I do in a year…. I’m about to start rapping !!! smh
Boozy you really doing an interview with this cop I have a feeling you’re a cop too Boosie
Shit is NO GAME. Damn
I’m Fucking !!! ( Boosie Voice ) ????????????????
My homie broke it with his big azz ???????? I’m running through them bitches????????
Be a godfathers of wheelchair ♿ ???? funny bossie
They going to comeback to finish the job bet
Boosie really the uncle I wish I had
I can’t be no bowlegged ugly Boosie had me crying ???????????????? LOL that was funnie
Bow Legged Boosie killed me ????????????????
This guy small talk with brothers.
Bih crazy bruh ????????????
This Interview so funny ???? ???? I look ugly Boligee
after two years lovin your interviews ill start adding your music i love this man lol
Boosie can motivate a dude to feel comfortable in a wheelchair ????
I love me so Boosie! ????❤️????❤️
I read the titled and instantly laughed…
I shower up good ya heard me, I do my thang I’m fuckin ????????????????????????????????
Bow legged Boosie ☠????????☠ ahh, thats the shit I needed today !!
Really vlad, you always wanna relate
I left u a longer message before these too. But devil’s done erased it
My shower Pressure ????????
I felt every piece of this…I didn’t walk for 6 mths after being shot. My limp now is serious, and cold. It’s Life. Boosie gon be walkin soon, regardless
They poured water on my walkie talkies ????
Why he say … I’m fuckin
I’m Fucking lol
This said, "Im fuck’n" lol
Love boosie, Brooklyn got yo back
poured water on his waLkie taLkies ????
Physical Therapy for a finger?
Vlad a bitch.
i know he tired of talkin bout it
Well boosie are u fucking in the chair
Get well boosie!!
I absolutely don’t believe this…. Boosie be a testimony … stop it
I be fuckin
He will be back I been in that situation and still is your body have nerves and if that bullet hit a wrong nerve its hard to recover it been 5yrs for me and im not healing but im walking with a cane
:43 He ???? at you not with you. Vlad must pay ???? . Make that ????
I’m fuken too bro✊????
Vlad sacarstic ???? finger bro Haha I broke twoo toes and 8 fingers if we counting ????
Damn his pink jacket is ????
Did you get the motorized joint ????????????????
One of my good friends have a child for one of your ex. From louisiana
Physical Therapy For A Broken Finger…????