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lmao no wonder almight jay was only signed for like a week, tbh rich the kid was famous dex’s uprising and downfall, dex was already poppin before he met rtk
Most of these guys are just idiots with money, which is why they go broke and lose fame … just because you have money that a label gave you doesn’t mean your hot shit. The work never stops and he hasn’t been making good decisions hence why he seems to be down bad. It also has to do with a poor business sense but I agree with Ak the industry is super shady ain’t nobody out there to really support independent artists and when you sign to one, it’s the label eating off you for your entire contract ????????♂️
That’s nuts I been listening to jay critch the last 4-5 years lmao he said he gave jay critch a platform? That’s nuts when you a dope artist you don’t need anyone jay critch not the best rapper alive his music is high class tho good bars easy to like someone stop some of these black kids they need to get clapped
Rich ruined jay critch career jay critch hard af shouldn’t have signed with Rent The Mid. STOP SIGNING WITH THESE RAPPERS AND LABELS LET THE INTERNET BE YOUR LABEL. it’s not 2010
Ak was speaking some facts BUT!!!……To be fair not many rappers are doing madd numbers at the moment it seems like everyone is "flopping" Theres only a select few that actually can do good numbers
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The delicious front dolly claim because enemy philly snore a a lyrical mall. wealthy, physical answer
They call each other out for being lame like the spider man meme LMAOOO
Well yo gotti doing fine????????♂️
lmao no wonder almight jay was only signed for like a week, tbh rich the kid was famous dex’s uprising and downfall, dex was already poppin before he met rtk
2017-2018 were rich forever’s golden years, miss those days
I Wonder if he tried to sign Youngboy ????????
yeah rich the kid been knowing for letting people starve lol but hey he helped jay critch blow up
Most of these guys are just idiots with money, which is why they go broke and lose fame … just because you have money that a label gave you doesn’t mean your hot shit. The work never stops and he hasn’t been making good decisions hence why he seems to be down bad. It also has to do with a poor business sense but I agree with Ak the industry is super shady ain’t nobody out there to really support independent artists and when you sign to one, it’s the label eating off you for your entire contract ????????♂️
Why don’t you make a label? Start signing artist?
Why you put those pics of dex on the video? lmaooo
Damn Jay Critch switching up on Rich…Hate to see it
U mean “peasant the kid”
Critch deserves better smh
Yo… dj akademiks u have a really white audience
Lil uzi vert whacked rich the kid
Great co-signs; Wayne co-signing Drake. Em co-signing 50
Rich the kid ???????????????? it ain’t his fault really tbr
That’s nuts I been listening to jay critch the last 4-5 years lmao he said he gave jay critch a platform? That’s nuts when you a dope artist you don’t need anyone jay critch not the best rapper alive his music is high class tho good bars easy to like someone stop some of these black kids they need to get clapped
i see why Jay critch got slapped he really a bozo lmaoo
Jay critch new album was good it jus flopped bc he is not as relevant as he was b4
Gucci mane 1017
You forgetting about Dreamville ak they seem to have no complaints.
Nigga learn from bird man lol
Never liked critch
People show they colors frfr
Rich ruined jay critch career jay critch hard af shouldn’t have signed with Rent The Mid. STOP SIGNING WITH THESE RAPPERS AND LABELS LET THE INTERNET BE YOUR LABEL. it’s not 2010
your use of the word nepotism makes no sense but yeah you right
These rich niggas juss be bored and wanna be in drama rap is dead
They. Jumping. Jay. Critch. Yo !!!!!
Rich the kid like 5’3 if he don’t beat his little ass and get his bread ????
Why u always got to speak on meek
god damn lmao lol
People only know Jay critch cuz of rich mane people be so ungrateful no one would know him if it wasn’t for him
I used to love Rich the Kid. Then i grew up and stopped smoking so much weed lmao
Never any positive news from this clown always report the bad
As a business man why would u sign to a rapper who is signed to other people?
Rich the kid did put him on though . He came out of nowhere. Also I show the hoods of New England on my channel
"Self" racist
Rappers need to stop signing to Rappers
YOUTUBE. ATRAK88……… New hip hop
Famous dex been said this but y’all ignored him
Ak was speaking some facts BUT!!!……To be fair not many rappers are doing madd numbers at the moment it seems like everyone is "flopping" Theres only a select few that actually can do good numbers
That’s why im independent ak
Lol why would you sign to RIch the Kid? Who has he ever made a superstar? Nobody.