please support & donate to help this father of 6 be buried properly & relieve his family of a financial burden, on top of already grieving someone who they lost to foul play with no justice
Ok so if he has herpes and he hit u raw and had a baby, doesn’t that mean YOU have it too?! ???? girls will put their business out there just to call a girl out ????
Air said herpes she had ta go there????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????????????????????????????
It’s crazy that you’re taking LoveyTi’s spot. Idk why she stopped reporting on these fun lil stories but you’re my go to now.
As for the video Ari is such a nasty woman. Just mean spirited, spiteful and insecure. I can tell she’s upset bc another girl “won” a guy over her, she sees women as competition and men as prizes ????????♀️????????♀️????????♀️????????♀️
So allow her tarnish his brand to protect hers? Why? Because she’s Megan the celebrity? SMDH! And how is it that EJ never spoke to her after the Tory incident. BUT would be able to tell Jason anything? Don’t add up. I love Megan but she need to put the alcohol down for a while. Why is it she can tell "her truth" but everyone else can’t? ????
It’s probably tough to see your son with the woman who was a mistress to your relationship but she needs to complain to a friend and not post on social media. The internet is forever and that baby will grow and see the mess later. JS
EJ fumbled his own bag so hard… he’s gotta realize that the way the industry works is that you gotta have connections. I think he relied too much on Megan and got too close to her without really branching out and creating a network of different clients.Megan wanted a new more evolved look and feel and if EJ wasn’t delivering then what’s Meg to do? Wait around? No she ain’t the type and most big artists don’t
The world is going to hell and all we can do is talk about negative stuff we doing our stupid community you know what Black people we need to really seriously get our shit together I can’t believe this is news
Did JasonLee whatever his name has curly hair perm done on his hair? ????
The males now days… with their eyebrows plucked and excessive grooming, who is playing on the other side of the field? because we straight women are confused about ya’ll
Stop excessive grooming please! it’s such a turn off.
The Mind of an AQUARIUS is always analyzing and thinking non-stop. Megan is an Aquarius female. They get hella stupid when tipsy or drunk. BEWARE WHEN ALCOHOL is Consumed.
I don’t think people are really remembering what happened . I get it ari moved on so did he but I think it hits different when the woman he’s in love with is the one he cheated on you while you pregnant. Some stuff isn’t that easy to just get over !
I think Ari is happy but it annoys her to see the woman that aledgly was the side chick and the new girl havw your baby. She wasn’t that mean about it but it shouldn’t have been said on the internet because then people label her as press and bitter. When it’s normal to still care for your ex and childs father. Feelings just don’t go away and can linger longer in some people. Just as much as being annoyed by the suppose side chick. I doubt they are gonna be sipping tea at breakfast any tine soon. Like people be holding grudges from Primary school. Let the woman live and go through her emotions.
Meg pops off when she’s drunk. Some people are super silly/affectionate when they’re intoxicated and others think they can beat up the world.????????????
People in the comments acting like they’re perfect saints who can forgive and forget easily… obviously Ari would feel resentment towards Taina since her child’s father cheated on her with Taina and he is apparently willing to drop everyone for her and actually commit. Like she’s human she’s allowed to have feelings esp if Taina is parading her son around parading acting like they’re a happy family. The only difference is she’s on social media and in the public eye. Not saying she’s 100% in the right but don’t act like y’all wouldn’t be mad and bitter too…
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Ari has her baby with ALL TYPES of people all day everyday. I hope Herbo get married before she has a baby.
I love theme music ????
The father makes the whole siblings
Megan honestly didn’t know how to tell him… she probably felt bad… but she should have communicated
Ej is beautiful omg. I see his soul ♥ idk what is meghan’s problem but she is coming off alil to rough & a damn bully!????
At this point Jason just need to not be at any party in Hollywood at all. He just messy asf
Why is Ari mad about her son being pictured with Taina. Like what they have been together for a long time. Make it make sense
please support & donate to help this father of 6 be buried properly & relieve his family of a financial burden, on top of already grieving someone who they lost to foul play with no justice
Ari be having her son around them gay niggas herb don’t be saying nothing tho
Ok so if he has herpes and he hit u raw and had a baby, doesn’t that mean YOU have it too?! ???? girls will put their business out there just to call a girl out ????
Air said herpes she had ta go there????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????????????????????????????
Jason Lee is mad fake. I don’t blame Megan for not getting close to him.
I don’t agree with Megan; I’m on Ej’s side ????????♂️She’s petty for unfollowing him because he never said anything disrespectful.
Megan with that when I see you I see you vide????
It’s crazy that you’re taking LoveyTi’s spot. Idk why she stopped reporting on these fun lil stories but you’re my go to now.
As for the video Ari is such a nasty woman. Just mean spirited, spiteful and insecure. I can tell she’s upset bc another girl “won” a guy over her, she sees women as competition and men as prizes ????????♀️????????♀️????????♀️????????♀️
Ej should’ve just contacted her.
Fuck that EJ IS A STYLIST NOT a celebrity stay in an employee’s place and stop biting the hands that feeds you!
More importantly, That blue eyed baby needs a DNA test.????????????????????????
Meg is a liability. She should have kept it gangsta. She lies aswell. Nobody holds her accountable.
So allow her tarnish his brand to protect hers? Why? Because she’s Megan the celebrity? SMDH! And how is it that EJ never spoke to her after the Tory incident. BUT would be able to tell Jason anything? Don’t add up. I love Megan but she need to put the alcohol down for a while. Why is it she can tell "her truth" but everyone else can’t? ????
It’s probably tough to see your son with the woman who was a mistress to your relationship but she needs to complain to a friend and not post on social media. The internet is forever and that baby will grow and see the mess later. JS
Tiana ain’t gone hurt that baby, I don’t get that vibe from her.
Once again expressive ! (No typo) you talk about women empowerment but always wanna tear black women down
EJ fumbled his own bag so hard… he’s gotta realize that the way the industry works is that you gotta have connections. I think he relied too much on Megan and got too close to her without really branching out and creating a network of different clients.Megan wanted a new more evolved look and feel and if EJ wasn’t delivering then what’s Meg to do? Wait around? No she ain’t the type and most big artists don’t
That tweet that fan had did The haters will never mind they own business and I don’t like that
Ha EJ look like playboi carti haha
The world is going to hell and all we can do is talk about negative stuff we doing our stupid community you know what Black people we need to really seriously get our shit together I can’t believe this is news
Toxicity is just the new wave now sadly….
Did JasonLee whatever his name has curly hair perm done on his hair? ????
The males now days… with their eyebrows plucked and excessive grooming, who is playing on the other side of the field? because we straight women are confused about ya’ll
Stop excessive grooming please! it’s such a turn off.
The Mind of an AQUARIUS is always analyzing and thinking non-stop. Megan is an Aquarius female. They get hella stupid when tipsy or drunk. BEWARE WHEN ALCOHOL is Consumed.
Megan is Messy
Ari got to let it gooooo
I don’t think people are really remembering what happened . I get it ari moved on so did he but I think it hits different when the woman he’s in love with is the one he cheated on you while you pregnant. Some stuff isn’t that easy to just get over !
I think Ari is happy but it annoys her to see the woman that aledgly was the side chick and the new girl havw your baby. She wasn’t that mean about it but it shouldn’t have been said on the internet because then people label her as press and bitter. When it’s normal to still care for your ex and childs father. Feelings just don’t go away and can linger longer in some people. Just as much as being annoyed by the suppose side chick. I doubt they are gonna be sipping tea at breakfast any tine soon. Like people be holding grudges from Primary school. Let the woman live and go through her emotions.
Y’all act like she wrong for being bitter , ghetto cheated on that girl with taina idc how y’all feel . Toxic or not she might have really loved him
Taina was built to fuck a celebrity and get pregnant one just like her mother. Smfh.
I hate when people come between me and somebody explaining or feelings that make it seem more then what it is
Meg is clearly the problem
Meg pops off when she’s drunk. Some people are super silly/affectionate when they’re intoxicated and others think they can beat up the world.????????????
don’t like ej????
Ari so damn annoying
Meghan gonna have some scandals keep coming out involving her y’all just watch lmao.
Why all this remind me of high school??
It is not like he bashed her that bad. He ain’t even on one.
People in the comments acting like they’re perfect saints who can forgive and forget easily… obviously Ari would feel resentment towards Taina since her child’s father cheated on her with Taina and he is apparently willing to drop everyone for her and actually commit. Like she’s human she’s allowed to have feelings esp if Taina is parading her son around parading acting like they’re a happy family. The only difference is she’s on social media and in the public eye. Not saying she’s 100% in the right but don’t act like y’all wouldn’t be mad and bitter too…
Megan needs to put the bottle down, but when you have those yes people around you their only out for themselves.
Instagram and Twitter I was people talk a lot
My nickname is EJ so hearing it in this video is kinda weird but funny at the same time????